You’ve created your
Halachic Health Care Proxy.
Now, keep it in close proximity.

Carry this card-copy of your Halachic Health Care Proxy in your wallet, compliments of Heirloom. It can be invaluable to have on your person in case of emergency.
May you never need it.
But it’s still good to have.
Please complete this form once per individual. To order cards for yourself and your spouse, upload and submit each proxy on a separate form.
Note: Doctor information is optional, but can be helpful in the event of an emergency.
Disclaimer: Submission of Health Care Proxy does not create or imply an attorney-client relationship. By submitting, you allow us to share your Health Care Proxy with your agents or any medical providers, including emergency responders.
Need assistance? Please do not hesitate to contact our office for help ordering your
MyProxy Wallet Card. We can be reached by phone at (845) 576-6333 or email at